To the most important person in my life, until you came I never knew unconditional love. I love you Jasmyn
I would like to acknowledge the following people from whom I found great inspiration:
- Jesus, Buddha, Sadhguru, Michael Singer, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Adam Hergenrother, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Kyle Cease
- Next, I was inspired by an acquaintance, John Pogachar, who came up with the idea of Love on every billboard What a kind, loving, inventive Soul.
- Last, but far from least, was a good acquaintance for whom I dedicate this company to... P. J. Gambale. He was a young man who on the outside was always smiling and incredibly accommodating to everyone but inside he was unable to feel any joy, happiness, or love. I wish he could have known how much people loved and adored him and how much he truly mattered. May he rest in the Divine Love from whence he came.